Sooo I have not posted anything in a while. BUT I won't be posting pictures for a while, instead i'm going to bl0g about other cultural things (oooh aaahhh). (I have plenty of other post ideas, but they will just have to wait, unfortunately.)
I SHALL BEGIN WITH MUSIC: I'm very excited for the month of June because plenty of concerts are coming in such a short time! I have tickets to Bon Iver:
my feelings.
AND THEN I see in tiny font underneath that The Staves will be touring with them. I remember reading about these Brit sisters in one of Nylon's issues from not too long ago a) I was taken aback by their beauty 2) They were being recognized for their folky harmonious songs. Based on the article, they seemed very down to earth and it sure made ME want to listen to one of their songs. But I happened to be by the pool so I briefly listened, and from what I could hear, it sounded pretty. I obviously didn't pay close enough attention.
I took it upon myself to go look them up and actually give them a chance. I listened to their newest song, The Motherlode, and I took the pleasure of letting their Mexico EP play.
HOW I FELT: It made me want to be alone in my room in the afternoon, rain or shine, or sit in a seemingly private circle with free people while we silently listen to them sing. It made me want to eat a simple sandwich whilst sitting atop a kitchen counter with sunlight flooding in, or sit shoulder deep in a warm bath creating miniature whirlpools with my finger. Even just lying in a field (with virtually NO bugs) having their voices flood in my ears as smooth as honey would have been just as perfect (<---That image came from the video for The Motherlode.) SAY YEAH FOR IMAGERY.
ENOUGH of me. Time for you to go listen.
'The Motherlode' video
Official Website click launch music player and the 'Mexico EP' will appear!
Take the time to wallow in their beauty.