
music newz and stealz

cover art for "Bloom"


I don't know why I wrote in mostly caps.
Excitement took over.
Furthermore, for my total of 2 readers, please enjoy probably my favorite song by Beach House.

people & cars

my sister

and some kind strangers

All photos taken my me; on my flickr, too.




just a few portrait-snapshots of my friend, maddie.

(will add them to my flickr account soon, developed and printed by me)


the nineties

A lot of kids my age have been really into the 90's style lately, but mostly what tumblr children make the style out to be. I will say this: just because you are wearing high waisted shorts and a rock t-shirt does not make you dressed like a child of the 90's, JEEZ. 
Not to seem pretentious or make myself seem more important than others, l.o.l cause I am not, but I really have been inspired by 90's style. Welcome to the 90's; a period where grunge style took its place, ferbies and tamagotchies were born, and jelly & platform shoes were worn. The following pictures my sources of inspiration and are photos not taken by me. 
My So Called Life, Unknown ebay user, unknown, unknown (group of girls), 'Kelly Kapowski', unkown
uknown (90's teens), Grazia Italia March 2012, Sky Ferreira, Grazia Italia March 2012, Olsen twin
Nasty Gal, unknow, Nast Gal, Nasty Gal, tumblr, Grazia Italia March 2012
tumblr, tumblr, tumblr, Grazia Italia March 2012, Terry Richardson's pic of Sky Ferreira

Dr. Martens, platform sneaks, AAH HEY ARNOLD LITAS- IF ONLY, bold people did where CREEPERS even though they didn't originate at this time


excuse my absence

oh-- I haven't posted anything in forever! AP exams are soon and i've been under stress and so many things have been occuring. Quick overview:

  • My 16th birthday passed a few days ago, I'M AGING I'M BECOMING A WOMAN GOD HELP THE QUEEN
  • I have photos that i need to post! New ones will come soon. Now updating flickr....that's a different story... i'm sort of lazy, please understand me. 
  • I've been getting inspiration from EVERYWHERE. It's a bit crazy. A bit too much to retain. But i do it, yes i do! Everything from the Wildfox Couture x Francesca Lia Block collaboration, surfer vibes, the 90's (sounds so typical yet is so different), classic hip hop culture, DIY'ing, and MORE MUSIC, and MORE MORE MORE.
  • Boy do I love warm weather, but I still have an urge to mix in not-so-spring pieces. Whuteva!
  • I have a kindle now and I am obsessed. 
  • EVERYONE CHECK OUT Rookie Mag. It is a fantastic online zine that i've been reading for months and it is time I share! It is a very interactive website written by girls for girls, but this is not your average Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul or American Girl Beauty book. Infact, it is so different, and its here to help you just figure yourself out- no rush. NOT TO MENTION, it is run by one of my all time favorite bloggers, Tavi Gevinson. (I may not know her, but her honesty makes me feel like she's become my homie.) The articles are so relatable, the photos are true eye candy, the girls are hilarious, and the fashion and beauty and gehrujszfikdlequas. Just GO and explore and take it all in.
  • I miss my best friend, Ashley. Living in seperate states is tough. She's full of awesome. Check out her blog. She also has a youtube channel.


so much to say: The Staves

Sooo I have not posted anything in a while. BUT I won't be posting pictures for a while, instead i'm going to bl0g about other cultural things (oooh aaahhh). (I have plenty of other post ideas, but they will just have to wait, unfortunately.)

I SHALL  BEGIN WITH MUSIC: I'm very excited for the month of June because plenty of concerts are coming in such a short time! I have tickets to Bon Iver: my feelings.
AND THEN I see in tiny font underneath that The Staves will be touring with them. I remember reading about these Brit sisters in one of Nylon's issues from not too long ago a) I was taken aback by their beauty 2) They were being recognized for their folky harmonious songs. Based on the article, they seemed very down to earth and it sure made ME want to listen to one of their songs. But I happened to be by the pool so I briefly listened, and from what I could hear, it sounded pretty. I obviously didn't pay close enough attention.
I took it upon myself to go look them up and actually give them a chance. I listened to their newest song, The Motherlode, and I took the pleasure of letting their Mexico EP play.
HOW I FELT: It made me want to be alone in my room in the afternoon, rain or shine, or sit in a seemingly private circle with free people while we silently listen to them sing. It made me want to eat a simple sandwich whilst sitting atop a kitchen counter with sunlight flooding in, or sit shoulder deep in a warm bath creating miniature whirlpools with my finger. Even just lying in a field (with virtually NO bugs) having their voices flood in my ears as smooth as honey would have been just as perfect (<---That image came from the video for The Motherlode.) SAY YEAH FOR IMAGERY.

ENOUGH of me. Time for you to go listen.
'The Motherlode' video
Official Website click launch music player and the 'Mexico EP' will appear!

Take the time to wallow in their beauty.



Photos can incorporate funny little things, 'tis true.

Other photos of peole, places, and things on my flickr. Haven't had much time lately, but more photos to be added soon! I have a lot of new ideas, and hopefully I will actually get the guts to document what is in my mind. :)


a city summer

From a short time during the summer in NYC-
More photos on my flickr!
(flickr link in my 'about me' box)


wanderin' the halls

I noticed that when you walk around school during class time everything seems empty. Only small ghostly details remain, like the echo of a footstep from far off, the gentle swing of a lock, the eeriness of an empty staircase, reflections that bounce off the walls. With all the kids that fill up the school, barren hallways seem out of place. The feeling of it all is pretty bizarre. 
...MAYBE kids skip class because they just need a break, some alone time! Of course!

(PS: More of my photos will be posted sometime soon & will soon add them to my flickr. I'll link it in my description box. For the time being, enjoy: www.flickr.com/amandagrs)
(PPS: All black and white prints developed and printed by me, unless said otherwise.)



Hello users of the internet, thanks for stopping by. To be honest, I appreciate the tiny inkling that brought you here, whether it be by accident or not. But (trying to sound the least bit self centered as possible, here) I'm doing this for myself. I have always had photo ideas in my head and I want to make them real. I also have photos of mine that, I don't know, I want to post. So, if i succeed in pushing myself to do so, call this my photo diary? Being like a diary, it sounds like I'm talking to myself and it is weirding me out. Well, call it what you want. I'll post photos as soon as possible and will let you know when photos are on my flickr. I might also post about style and culture, things I also indulge in. That being said: Come see what I see. (Oooh that phrase sounded mysterious and direct, sweeet.)